20+ Years Experience

Specialist Intumescent Paint Spraying


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At Intumescent Painting Contractors, we take great pride in our commitment to safety, quality, and professionalism.

Our dedication to excellence is reflected in the various accreditations and certifications we hold, ensuring that our clients receive top-notch services from a trusted team of experts.

Our Accreditation Partners

CHAS (Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme)

As proud CHAS-accredited contractors, we prioritise the health and safety of our team members, clients, and the general public. This certification demonstrates our compliance with rigorous health and safety standards and our commitment to maintaining a safe working environment on all our projects.

IPAF (International Powered Access Federation)

Our IPAF certification signifies our proficiency in operating powered access equipment safely and efficiently. It enables us to access and work at heights with confidence, ensuring the highest level of safety for our team and your project.

CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme)

Our CSCS certification confirms that our team members possess the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in the construction industry. It serves as a testament to our competence and professionalism in the field.

PASMA (Prefabricated Access Suppliers’ and Manufacturers’ Association)

Our PASMA certification attests to our expertise in erecting, using, and inspecting mobile access towers. With this certification, we ensure that our scaffolding and access solutions adhere to the highest safety standards.

SSSTS (Site Supervisors’ Safety Training Scheme)

Our SSSTS certification is a testament to the competence of our site supervisors in managing health and safety on construction sites. It enables us to provide effective leadership in maintaining a secure work environment.

First Aid

Safety is paramount in our industry, and our team members are trained in First Aid to respond promptly and effectively in case of injuries or medical emergencies on-site. This certification underscores our commitment to the well-being of our team and those we serve.

Choose Expertise, Choose Safety

When you choose Intumescent Painting Contractors, you’re choosing a team of professionals who prioritise safety, quality, and excellence. Our accreditations and certifications are a testament to our commitment to delivering the best results for your project.

We understand the importance of trust and transparency in our industry. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our accreditations and how they benefit your project, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to the opportunity to provide you with top-tier intumescent painting services backed by our commitment to safety and quality.

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